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Immo OFF

Immo OFF, How is it done, and Why?

The Immobilizer

Almost every driver in the last decades has heard something about the immobilizers in cars or motorcycles. In a few words, the immobilizer is an easy-to-use and apply electronic security system that doesn’t allow an engine to start unless the correct key for the specific car is used

It was invented around 1919 by George Evans and Edward Birkenbuel, and it is standard equipment of every car in the presence. Later on in this article, we will analyze how it works.

How Does an Immobilizer Works?

We have already mentioned that Immobilizer prevents the engine from starting unless a correct code is present. The main components of the immobilizer system are a small transponder chip, which is placed in the ignition key, and a reader, which is located somewhere under the vehicle’s steering wheel.

In the early models of the Immobilizer systems, whenever the ignition key was inserted into the switch, the chip in the key was activated, and a data transfer between them was established.

The unique code that was programmed in the key is then transmitted back to the car. The immobilizer then checks if the codes match before starting the engine.

In early models, the code in the key was programmed by the factory and wasn’t changing. Late models use a deferent approach. A more dynamic code system is used.

One of which is the rolling code system. Every time a driver starts his car, the immobilizer system alters the following code and writes this code back to the key. Next time the driver uses his car, the codes must match in order for the engine to start.

All these procedures are taking place in a fraction of a second, and the driver doesn’t understand anything.

Why someone should do an Immo OFF?

Even though the immobilizer system adds when it comes to security, there are some occasions that immobilizer deletion sounds like a one-way solution.

The most common reason one should go through this procedure is the most common situation of losing the car key. It is not an uncommon situation one can face to lose his keys.

When this happens beside the obvious, to go to the dealer and get a new one, which in some cases might be expensive, need paperwork, or need time to get the new key, immobilizer deletion sounds like a good solution.

One can go to a specialist tuner and get an immo off; this way there is no need for the factory key to start the engine.

Another reason that might lead a car owner to immo deletion is to install used parts on his vehicle. In late years, most of the car systems are connected, and all car computers are communicating.

For example, if an engine swap takes place, one should consider that there is an immobilizer module that doesn’t allow the starter to work with the ignition key since the system understands that the factory ECU is missing.

By going through an Immo Deletion, the new engine can start. The new engine’s ECU needs to be disabled because it is not compatible and will not work with the car’s original immobilizer.

The case that the immobilizer itself is broken is another reason one should do an Immo Deletion. If the immobilizer is broken, there is no way for the vehicle’s engine to start except if the immobilizer is replaced or an Immo Off procedure takes place.

The case of the car being used for races is another case Immo Off is taking place. The race car ignition system needs to be as simple as possible, and removing the immobilizer is something that simplifies the starting procedure, minimizing the risk that the vehicle’s engine will not start up from an immobilizer malfunction.

How is Immo OFF Done?

The Immo Off procedure is a delicate procedure that is done by professional tuners since it needs ECU programming. Special tuning tools and software are needed in order for a tuner to read the data from the ECU and go through the deletion. It is highly recommended to anyone that wants to do an Immo Off to seek experienced professionals to do this task.

In Summary – Immo Off process

The immobilizer system is an important security system that can prevent thieves from stealing a vehicle. It is present in all cars lately.

Sometimes, either because a new part needs to be installed in the vehicle, or a new key is needed, or even for racing setups, it has to be deleted.

All one must keep in mind is that this procedure must be done by chiptuning file service professionals, so the best solution to be applied.