
AutoTuner – Marelli MJD9DF HW002

A message from AutoTuner:

As you probably already know, recent 1.3 and 2.3 JTDm engines are equipped with Marelli 9DF ECU. A new hardware revision, called HW002 (the part number of which can be seen on the ECU label), has recently been introduced and was, until now, non-tunable.

After several weeks of extensive BETA testing, we are excited to announce the addition of a solution for this variant.

An OBD (VR) protocol will now allow you to read and write these ECU, but that’s not all: a bench solution will also allow real reading in the event that the original file is not available. Be careful though, the bench protocol is in reality OBD on the bench, this means that it will not create a backup file. Also note that the actual reading may take up to 70 minutes.

In order for us to add your reading and convert it to a VR file, please send us your bench read file.

We hope that this new protocol will meet your expectations and remain at your disposal to answer any questions you may have.